
Package Core
Inheritance class CArray
Array helper class.

$Id: arr.php 3769 2008-12-15 00:48:56Z zombor $

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
callback_string() Return a callback array from a string, eg: limit[10,20] would become CArray
extract() Extract one or more keys from an array. Each key given after the first CArray
map_recursive() Because PHP does not have this function, and array_walk_recursive creates CArray
merge() Emulates array_merge_recursive, but appends numeric keys and replaces CArray
overwrite() Overwrites an array with values from input array(s). CArray
range() Fill an array with a range of numbers. CArray
remove() Removes a key from an array and returns the value. CArray
rotate() Rotates a 2D array clockwise. CArray
to_object() Recursively convert an array to an object. CArray
unshift_assoc() Because PHP does not have this function. CArray

Method Details

binary_search() method
public static integer binary_search(mixed $needle, array $haystack, boolean $nearest=false, mixed $sort=false)
$needle mixed the value to search for
$haystack array an array of values to search in
$nearest boolean return false, or the nearest value
$sort mixed sort the array before searching it
{return} integer

Binary search algorithm.

callback_string() method
public static array callback_string(string $str)
$str string callback string
{return} array

Return a callback array from a string, eg: limit[10,20] would become array('limit', array('10', '20'))

extract() method
public static array extract(array $search, string $keys)
$search array array to search
$keys string key name
{return} array

Extract one or more keys from an array. Each key given after the first argument (the array) will be extracted. Keys that do not exist in the search array will be NULL in the extracted data.

map_recursive() method
public static array map_recursive(mixed $callback, array $array)
$callback mixed callback to apply to each member of the array
$array array array to map to
{return} array

Because PHP does not have this function, and array_walk_recursive creates references in arrays and is not truly recursive.

merge() method
public static array merge()
{return} array

Emulates array_merge_recursive, but appends numeric keys and replaces associative keys, instead of appending all keys.

overwrite() method
public static array overwrite(array $array1)
$array1 array key array
{return} array

Overwrites an array with values from input array(s). Non-existing keys will not be appended!

range() method
public static array range(integer $step=10, integer $max=100)
$step integer stepping
$max integer ending number
{return} array

Fill an array with a range of numbers.

remove() method
public static mixed remove(string $key, array $array)
$key string key to return
$array array array to work on
{return} mixed value of the requested array key

Removes a key from an array and returns the value.

rotate() method
public static array rotate(array $source_array, boolean $keep_keys=true)
$source_array array array to rotate
$keep_keys boolean keep the keys in the final rotated array. the sub arrays of the source array need to have the same key values. if your subkeys might not match, you need to pass FALSE here!
{return} array

Rotates a 2D array clockwise. Example, turns a 2x3 array into a 3x2 array.

to_object() method
public static object to_object(array $array, $class='stdClass')
$array array array to convert
{return} object

Recursively convert an array to an object.

unshift_assoc() method
public static array unshift_assoc(array $array, string $key, mixed $val)
$array array array to unshift
$key string key to unshift
$val mixed value to unshift
{return} array

Because PHP does not have this function.