
Package Image
Inheritance abstract class Image_Driver
Subclasses Image_GD_Driver, Image_ImageMagick_Driver
Image API driver.

$Id: Image.php 3769 2008-12-15 00:48:56Z zombor $

Protected Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
errors Image_Driver
image Image_Driver
tmp_image Image_Driver

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
crop() Crop an image. Valid properties are: width, height, top, left. Image_Driver
execute() Executes a set of actions, defined in pairs. Image_Driver
flip() Flip an image. Valid directions are horizontal and vertical. Image_Driver
process() Process an image with a set of actions. Image_Driver
resize() Resize an image. Valid properties are: width, height, and master. Image_Driver
rotate() Rotate an image. Valid amounts are -180 to 180. Image_Driver
sharpen() Sharpen and image. Valid amounts are 1 to 100. Image_Driver

Protected Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
properties() Return the current width and height of the temporary image. This is mainly Image_Driver
sanitize_geometry() Sanitize and normalize a geometry array based on the temporary image Image_Driver

Property Details

errors property
protected $errors;

image property
protected $image;

tmp_image property
protected $tmp_image;

Method Details

crop() method
abstract public boolean crop(array $properties)
$properties array new properties
{return} boolean

Crop an image. Valid properties are: width, height, top, left.

execute() method
public boolean execute(array $actions)
$actions array actions
{return} boolean

Executes a set of actions, defined in pairs.

flip() method
abstract public boolean flip(integer $direction)
$direction integer direction to flip
{return} boolean

Flip an image. Valid directions are horizontal and vertical.

process() method
abstract public boolean process(string $image, array $actions, string $dir, string $file)
$image string image filename
$actions array actions to execute
$dir string destination directory path
$file string destination filename
{return} boolean

Process an image with a set of actions.

properties() method
abstract protected array properties()
{return} array width, height

Return the current width and height of the temporary image. This is mainly needed for sanitizing the geometry.

resize() method
abstract public boolean resize(array $properties)
$properties array new properties
{return} boolean

Resize an image. Valid properties are: width, height, and master.

rotate() method
abstract public boolean rotate(integer $amount)
$amount integer amount to rotate
{return} boolean

Rotate an image. Valid amounts are -180 to 180.

sanitize_geometry() method
protected void sanitize_geometry(array $geometry)
$geometry array geometry properties
{return} void

Sanitize and normalize a geometry array based on the temporary image width and height. Valid properties are: width, height, top, left.

sharpen() method
abstract public boolean sharpen(integer $amount)
$amount integer amount to sharpen
{return} boolean

Sharpen and image. Valid amounts are 1 to 100.