
Get Phundament!

Note: Have a look at the deployments section if you prefer setting up Phundament with Docker, Vagrant or PaaS.

composer create-project --stability=beta phundament/app

Setup your environment

Database setup

Create a new database to store application information.

Note! Currently a MySQL database is required for the user module.

Application configuration with environment variables

The setup is based on vlucas/dotenv, which reads environment variables from the system or a local .env file. You can find background information about this topic in the The Twelve Factor App documentation.

Start by copying the default .env configuration file

cp .env-dist .env
edit .env

After adjusting the parameters, finalize the application setup with:

./yii app/setup

Afterwards you can access your Phundament application under http://localhost/app/frontend/web and http://localhost/app/backend/web.

Create a git repository

Initialize a repo for your new project

git add .
git commit -m "inital commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Continue to Configuration