
Running in isolated Docker containers

Creating and running a test environment can be a cumbersome task, since you have to take care about several specific tasks, like executing your tests in a separate database. Therefore the Phundament 4 :development images contain fully pre-installed Yii 2.0 Framework codeception test-suites for unit-, functional- and acceptance-testing.

In docker-compose.yml two additional containers testweb and testdb are defined which are used to run the test-suites. To get started, bring up the test containers and execute tests suites with docker.

docker-compose up -d testweb
docker exec app_testweb_1 codecept build
docker exec app_testweb_1 codecept run

Note: Replace app_testweb_1 with your container name.

You need to run codecept build only before the first run or after changes to the test classes.

Since acceptance tests are executed against a running webserver we need to use docker exec for conveniently running the test-suites in the container.

The following commands can be used to determine the container name to use with docker...

docker ps

Or to rebuild the codeception classes...

docker exec app_testweb_1 codecept build

Running with a local webserver

Note! This setup requires an additional database and a modified setup with ENV variables. It is recommended to use the docker-compose setup above.

Update url in tests/codeception/acceptance.suite.yml

Install required packages and build test classes

./yii app/setup-tests

Run all suites in all applications

./yii app/run-tests