Docker container

Pick a name for your new application, this is just for convenience to be able to copy & paste the commands below.

export APP_NAME=myapp

Although you can also use the images with a phundament/app repository. It is also possible to get the source code from the image by mounting a myapp directory into the container and copying the app from the image into it and to your host machine...

docker run \
    --volume `pwd`/$APP_NAME:/app-install \
    phundament/app \
    cp -r /app/. /app-install

Adjust the Dockerfile if needed, build and run the container with a linked MySQL instance, see here for instructions...

docker build -t $APP_NAME .

You can now run your freshly built application container with the following command...

docker run \
    --detach \
    --name $APP_NAME \
    --volume `pwd`:/app \
    --link mysql1:DB \
    --publish 80 \
    --env APP_NAME=$APP_NAME \
    --env VIRTUAL_HOST=$,$ \

This will start the container, setup the database and mount your current project directory into the application container. Therefore you are able to develop your application code on your host machine and immediately see the changes in the running container.

Check the state of the container with docker ps, your output should look similar to:

Kraftbuch:TESTING tobias$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
c197783f13b5        myapp:latest        "php -S   8 seconds ago       Up 7 seconds>8000/tcp   myapp

Access the application, eg. under or via the reverse proxy open http://$

Building the :production image

Adjust your Dockerfile and build FROM phundament/app:production.

docker build -t $APP_NAME:production .

docker run \
    --detach \
    --name $APP_NAME \
    --link mysql1:DB \
    --publish 80 \
    --env APP_NAME=$APP_NAME \
    --env VIRTUAL_HOST=$,$ \

OS X and Windows users

Note: If you are using volumes, build your image from the phundament/app:development container, due to file and directory permissions.

Customizing startup and webserver configuration

You can build your custom container image on top of the Phundament 4 Docker container (repository). Just use the FROM instruction in your Dockerfile

FROM phundament/app

Start or use a running container to copy the startup files into your build/ directory.

docker cp app_web_1:/root/ build/
docker cp app_web_1:/etc/nginx/sites-available/default build/

BASIC_AUTH example

Create a password file

htpasswd -c build/.htpasswd demo

Update Nginx server configuration

location  /  {
    auth_basic "Restricted";
    auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;

Add these updated configuration files to the build process

ADD build/.htpasswd /etc/nginx/.htpasswd
ADD build/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

You can then docker build the image like described above.