ActivationController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
AdminController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
AssignmentController |
Rights assignment controller class file. |
AssignmentForm |
Auth item assignment form class file. |
AuthChildForm |
Auth item child form class file. |
AuthItemController |
Rights authorization item controller class file. |
AuthItemForm |
Authorization item form class file. |
BaseP3Widget |
This is the model base class for the table "p3_widget". |
BaseP3WidgetMeta |
This is the model base class for the table "p3_widget_meta". |
BaseP3WidgetTranslation |
This is the model base class for the table "p3_widget_translation". |
Bootstrap |
Bootstrap application component. |
CImageComponent |
Description of CImageComponent |
CKEditor |
Description of CKEditor |
CodeProvider |
Class to provide code snippets for CRUD generation |
DefaultController |
EChosen |
EChosen makes select boxes much more user-friendly. |
EDbMigration |
EDbMigration |
EditableField |
EditableField class file. |
EditableSaver |
EditableSaver class file. |
EMigrateCommand |
EMigrateCommand manages the database migrations. |
ESelect2 |
Wrapper for ivaynberg jQuery select2 ( |
EUserFlash |
EUserFlash.php |
FullCrudFieldProvider |
GenerateForm |
Generation form class file. |
IdentificationColumnValidator |
IdentificationColumnValidator is automatically applied by FullModel to any
column that 'identifies' the Model in a human-readable way. There are certain
rules that need to be applied, since the column can appear in the URL. There
should not be a / inside it and there should not be a . (dot) as last character. |
InstallController |
Rights installation controller class file. |
JSONEditorView |
JSONEditorView displays WYSWIG editor for JSON data. |
JuiJSONEditorInput |
JuiJSONEditorInput displays WYSWIG editor for JSON data. In terms of raw input
field or input field for CModel instance |
LoginController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
LogoutController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
Metadata |
Metadata Helps to get metadata about models,controllers and actions in
application* |
P3CrudFieldProvider |
P3MediaController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3MediaMetaController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3MediaSelect |
Created by JetBrains PhpStorm. User: tobias Date: 25.02.13 Time: 17:11 To change
this template use File | Settings | File Templates. |
P3PageController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3PageMetaController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3PageTranslationController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3Widget |
This is the model base class for the table "p3_widget". |
P3WidgetController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3WidgetMetaController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
P3WidgetTranslation |
This is the model base class for the table "p3_widget_translation". |
P3WidgetTranslationController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
ProfileController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
ProfileFieldController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
RAuthItemBehavior |
Rights authorization item behavior class file. |
RAuthItemChildDataProvider |
Authorization item child data provider class file. |
RAuthItemDataProvider |
Authorization item data provider class file. |
RAuthItemParentDataProvider |
Authorization item parent data provider class file. |
RAuthorizer |
Rights authorizer component class file. |
RController |
Rights base controller class file. |
RDbAuthManager |
Rights authorization manager class file. |
RecoveryController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
RegistrationController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
RegistrationForm |
RegistrationForm class. RegistrationForm is the data structure for keeping user
registration form data. It is used by the 'registration' action of
'UserController'. |
RGenerator |
Rights generator component class file. |
Rights |
Rights helper class file. |
RightsFilter |
Rights filter class file. |
RightsModule |
Rights module class file. |
RInstaller |
Rights installer component class file. |
RPermissionDataProvider |
Rights permission data provider class file. |
RUserBehavior |
Rights user behavior class file. |
RWebUser |
Rights web user class file. |
UActiveForm |
CActiveForm class file. |
UploadHandler |
UserChangePassword |
UserChangePassword class. UserChangePassword is the data structure for keeping
user change password form data. It is used by the 'changepassword' action of
'UserController'. |
UserController |
Controller is the customized base controller class. All controller classes for
this application should extend from this base class. |
UserIdentity |
UserLogin |
LoginForm class. LoginForm is the data structure for keeping user login form
data. It is used by the 'login' action of 'SiteController'. |
UserModule |
Yii-User module |
UserRecoveryForm |
UserRecoveryForm class. UserRecoveryForm is the data structure for keeping user
recovery form data. It is used by the 'recovery' action of 'UserController'. |
UWdropDownDep |
UWdropDownDep Widget |
UWfile |
UWjuiAutoComplete |
UWjuidate |
UWrelBelongsTo |
WebUserBehavior |
Implements features from WebUser (yii-user) |