Docker containers with docker-compose (fig)

NOTE! This section is under development


Get started!

Download Phundament or clone:

git clone myapp
cd myapp


Copy fig and Dotenv config to project root:

cp .env-dist .env

You may edit the .env file to update environment parameters.

Note: Values of ENV variables defined in docker-compose.yml have precedence over .env.

To initialize your application run the following commands once:

Note: If you are developing on OS X or Windows, make sure your host-vm is running in VirtualBox Manager or with boot2docker start.

docker-compose run cli composer create-project --prefer-dist

They will make the vendor folder available in your project directory on your host machine. And sets up the database, along with an admin user.


Bring up the web container

docker-compose up -d web

and check it's port with

docker-compose ps

If you'd like to have zero-configuration access via virtual-hosts, see the Automated virtual hosts with Docker section.