
NOTE! This section is under development

Phundament 4 comes with built-in support for some PaaS providers thanks to the yii-dna-deployment extension.

The basic approach is that you will push the code to a git remote at your PaaS provider, and they will use the "heroku" metadata in composer.json to build a fully working virtual machine running the application.

Deploy using Dokku

Phundament 4 has been verified to work with Dokku hosts provisioned by Follow it's readme to provision a Dokku host, then set your dokku host in an environment variable:


Now choose a appname/subdomain for your deployment and create the app:

export APPNAME=phundament4-foo1
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST create $APPNAME

Set necessary config:

export COMPOSER_GITHUB_TOKEN="replaceme" # see

ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config:set $APPNAME \
    CONFIG_INCLUDE=config/paas/include.php \

# add persistent folder to running container (not recommended dokku-practice, but necessary until p3media is replaced with a fully network-based-solution)

options="-v $DOKKU_ROOT/$APPNAME/cache:/cache"
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST docker-options:add $APPNAME $options

Push your code to your dokku host:

git push dokku@$DOKKU_HOST:$APPNAME $CURRENT_BRANCH:master

At this stage the docker instance is prepared and runs the cms yii application, but if this is the first deployment, there is no database configured.

Add a database:

ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST mariadb:create $APPNAME

Run migrations and create an admin user to get a working deployment:

ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config:set $APPNAME
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config:set $APPNAME ADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=admin123
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME ./yii migrate --interactive=0
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME ./yii app/admin-user --interactive=0

Useful commands in order to interact with a dokku deployment

To show the current config and docker-options:

ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config $APPNAME
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST docker-options $APPNAME

To update a dokku deployment, push to it's dokku repository:

git push dokku@$DOKKU_HOST:$APPNAME $CURRENT_BRANCH:master

To reset the db to a clean state:

export DATA=clean-db
# run these commands one by one (they will not all run if pasted into the console together)
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config:set $APPNAME DATA=$DATA
# run these commands one by one (they will not all run if pasted into the console together)
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME bash /app/vendor/neam/yii-dna-deployment/

To reset the db and load user data:

export DATA=user-generated
# run these commands one by one (they will not all run if pasted into the console together)
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST config:set $APPNAME DATA=$DATA
# run these commands one by one (they will not all run if pasted into the console together)
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME bash /app/vendor/neam/yii-dna-deployment/

To run the tests:

# needs to be set appropriately (see above in readme)
export COVERAGE=basic

# use ci-configuration for deployment while running tests

# run tests within a dokku app container
ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME /app/deploy/ $COVERAGE

# restore config-environment

To upload the current user-generated data to S3, run:

ssh dokku@$DOKKU_HOST run $APPNAME /app/shell-scripts/