
Note! This section is under development


  • Docker
  • tutum account
  • AWS or DigitalOcean account or own Docker node

Get started!

Clone an app:

git clone https://github.com/phundament/app myapp
cd myapp

Initialize application:

cp .env-dist .env

Build, tag and push update image:

export TUTUM_USER="me"
export APP_NAME="myapp"

docker build -t tutum.co/$TUTUM_USER/$APP_NAME .
docker push tutum.co/$TUTUM_USER/$APP_NAME

Create an database service and link the Phundament app to it and run:

tutum service run -n $APPNAME-mysql \
  -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret" \
  -e "MYSQL_USER=dev" \
  -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=7dbd87csai1" \
  -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=p4" \

tutum service run -n $APP_NAME-app \
  --link-service $APP_NAME-mysql:DB \

The application should be available under an URL similar to http://phundament-app-1.XXXXXX-USERNAME.node.tutum.io:PORT.

Note: You may also create a new database in an existing MySQL container, by setting DB_ENV_MYSQL_DATABASE, DB_ENV_MYSQL_USER and DB_ENV_MYSQL_PASSWORD in the web container. This is done by default in /root/run.sh in the container.