Class dektrium\user\Module

Inheritancedektrium\user\Module » yii\base\Module

This is the main module class for the Yii2-user.

Public Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$admins array An array of administrator's usernames. dektrium\user\Module
$confirmWithin int The time before a confirmation token becomes invalid. dektrium\user\Module
$cost int Cost parameter used by the Blowfish hash algorithm. dektrium\user\Module
$emailChangeStrategy int Email changing strategy. dektrium\user\Module
$enableConfirmation bool Whether user has to confirm his account. dektrium\user\Module
$enableFlashMessages bool Whether to show flash messages. dektrium\user\Module
$enableGeneratingPassword bool Whether to remove password field from registration form. dektrium\user\Module
$enablePasswordRecovery bool Whether to enable password recovery. dektrium\user\Module
$enableRegistration bool Whether to enable registration. dektrium\user\Module
$enableUnconfirmedLogin bool Whether to allow logging in without confirmation. dektrium\user\Module
$mailer array Mailer configuration dektrium\user\Module
$modelMap array Model map dektrium\user\Module
$recoverWithin int The time before a recovery token becomes invalid. dektrium\user\Module
$rememberFor int The time you want the user will be remembered without asking for credentials. dektrium\user\Module
$urlPrefix string The prefix for user module URL. dektrium\user\Module
$urlRules array The rules to be used in URL management. dektrium\user\Module


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ConstantValueDescriptionDefined By
STRATEGY_DEFAULT 1 Email is changed after user clicks confirmation link sent to his new email address. dektrium\user\Module
STRATEGY_INSECURE 0 Email is changed right after user enter's new email address. dektrium\user\Module
STRATEGY_SECURE 2 Email is changed after user clicks both confirmation links sent to his old and new email addresses. dektrium\user\Module
VERSION '0.9.5' dektrium\user\Module

Property Details

$admins public property

An array of administrator's usernames.

public array $admins = []
$confirmWithin public property

The time before a confirmation token becomes invalid.

public int $confirmWithin 86400
$cost public property

Cost parameter used by the Blowfish hash algorithm.

public int $cost 10
$emailChangeStrategy public property

Email changing strategy.

public int $emailChangeStrategy self::STRATEGY_DEFAULT
$enableConfirmation public property

Whether user has to confirm his account.

public bool $enableConfirmation true
$enableFlashMessages public property

Whether to show flash messages.

public bool $enableFlashMessages true
$enableGeneratingPassword public property

Whether to remove password field from registration form.

public bool $enableGeneratingPassword false
$enablePasswordRecovery public property

Whether to enable password recovery.

public bool $enablePasswordRecovery true
$enableRegistration public property

Whether to enable registration.

public bool $enableRegistration true
$enableUnconfirmedLogin public property

Whether to allow logging in without confirmation.

public bool $enableUnconfirmedLogin false
$mailer public property

Mailer configuration

public array $mailer = []
$modelMap public property

Model map

public array $modelMap = []
$recoverWithin public property

The time before a recovery token becomes invalid.

public int $recoverWithin 21600
$rememberFor public property

The time you want the user will be remembered without asking for credentials.

public int $rememberFor 1209600
$urlPrefix public property

The prefix for user module URL.

public string $urlPrefix 'user'
$urlRules public property

The rules to be used in URL management.

public array $urlRules = ['<id:\d+>' => 'profile/show''<action:(login|logout)>' => 'security/<action>''<action:(register|resend)>' => 'registration/<action>''confirm/<id:\d+>/<code:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+>' => 'registration/confirm''forgot' => 'recovery/request''recover/<id:\d+>/<code:[A-Za-z0-9_-]+>' => 'recovery/reset''settings/<action:\w+>' => 'settings/<action>']