Class Swift_Attachment
Inheritance | Swift_Attachment » Swift_Mime_Attachment » Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
Implements | Swift_Mime_MimeEntity |
Attachment class for attaching files to a {@link Swift_Mime_Message}.
Protected Properties
Property | Type | Description | Defined By |
$_userContentType | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
Public Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
__clone() | Make a deep copy of object. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
__construct() | Create a new Attachment. | Swift_Attachment |
__destruct() | Empties it's own contents from the cache. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
__toString() | Returns a string representation of this object. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
charsetChanged() | Receive notification that the charset of this entity, or a parent entity has changed. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
encoderChanged() | Receive notification that the encoder of this entity or a parent entity has changed. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
fromPath() | Create a new Attachment from a filesystem path. | Swift_Attachment |
generateId() | Generate a new Content-ID or Message-ID for this MIME entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getBody() | Get the body of this entity as a string. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getBoundary() | Get the boundary used to separate children in this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getChildren() | Get all children added to this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getContentType() | Get the Content-type of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getDescription() | Get the description of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getDisposition() | Get the Content-Disposition of this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
getEncoder() | Get the encoder used for the body of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getFilename() | Get the filename of this attachment when downloaded. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
getHeaders() | Get the {@link Swift_Mime_HeaderSet} for this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getId() | Get the CID of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getMaxLineLength() | Get the maximum line length of the body of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getNestingLevel() | Get the nesting level used for this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
getSize() | Get the file size of this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
newInstance() | Create a new Attachment. | Swift_Attachment |
setBody() | Set the body of this entity, either as a string, or as an instance of {@link Swift_OutputByteStream}. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setBoundary() | Set the boundary used to separate children in this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setChildren() | Set all children of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setContentType() | Set the Content-type of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setDescription() | Set the description of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setDisposition() | Set the Content-Disposition of this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
setEncoder() | Set the encoder used for the body of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setFile() | Set the file that this attachment is for. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
setFilename() | Set the filename of this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
setId() | Set the CID of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setMaxLineLength() | Set the maximum line length of lines in this body. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
setSize() | Set the file size of this attachment. | Swift_Mime_Attachment |
toByteStream() | Write this entire entity to a {@see Swift_InputByteStream}. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
toString() | Get this entire entity as a string. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
Protected Methods
Method | Description | Defined By |
_bodyToByteStream() | Write this entire entity to a {@link Swift_InputByteStream}. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_bodyToString() | Get this entire entity as a string. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_clearCache() | Empty the KeyCache for this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_fixHeaders() | Re-evaluate what content type and encoding should be used on this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_getCache() | Get the KeyCache used in this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_getGrammar() | Get the grammar used for validation. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_getHeaderFieldModel() | Get the model data (usually an array or a string) for $field. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_getHeaderParameter() | Get the parameter value of $parameter on $field header. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_getIdField() | Get the name of the header that provides the ID of this entity. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_setHeaderFieldModel() | Set the model data for $field. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
_setHeaderParameter() | Set the parameter value of $parameter on $field header. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
getRandomId() | Returns a random Content-ID or Message-ID. | Swift_Mime_SimpleMimeEntity |
Method Details
Create a new Attachment.
Details may be optionally provided to the constructor.
public void __construct ( $data = null, $filename = null, $contentType = null ) | ||
$data | string|Swift_OutputByteStream | |
$filename | string | |
$contentType | string |
Create a new Attachment from a filesystem path.
public static Swift_Mime_Attachment fromPath ( $path, $contentType = null ) | ||
$path | string | |
$contentType | string | Optional |
Create a new Attachment.
public static Swift_Mime_Attachment newInstance ( $data = null, $filename = null, $contentType = null ) | ||
$data | string|Swift_OutputByteStream | |
$filename | string | |
$contentType | string |