Class Resque


Base Resque class.

Public Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$redis Resque_Redis Instance of Resque_Redis that talks to redis. Resque

Protected Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$pid int PID of current process. Resque
$redisDatabase int ID of Redis database to select. Resque
$redisServer mixed Host/port conbination separated by a colon, or a nested array of server swith host/port pairs Resque

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
enqueue() Create a new job and save it to the specified queue. Resque
pop() Pop an item off the end of the specified queue, decode it and return it. Resque
push() Push a job to the end of a specific queue. If the queue does not exist, then create it as well. Resque
queues() Get an array of all known queues. Resque
redis() Return an instance of the Resque_Redis class instantiated for Resque. Resque
reserve() Reserve and return the next available job in the specified queue. Resque
setBackend() Given a host/port combination separated by a colon, set it as the redis server that Resque will talk to. Resque
size() Return the size (number of pending jobs) of the specified queue. Resque


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ConstantValueDescriptionDefined By
VERSION '1.2' Resque

Property Details

$pid protected static property

PID of current process. Used to detect changes when forking and implement "thread" safety to avoid race conditions.

protected static int $pid null
$redis public static property

Instance of Resque_Redis that talks to redis.

public static Resque_Redis $redis null
$redisDatabase protected static property

ID of Redis database to select.

protected static int $redisDatabase 0
$redisServer protected static property

Host/port conbination separated by a colon, or a nested array of server swith host/port pairs

protected static mixed $redisServer null

Method Details

enqueue() public static method

Create a new job and save it to the specified queue.

public static string enqueue ( $queue, $class, $args null, $trackStatus false )
$queue string

The name of the queue to place the job in.

$class string

The name of the class that contains the code to execute the job.

$args array

Any optional arguments that should be passed when the job is executed.

$trackStatus boolean

Set to true to be able to monitor the status of a job.

pop() public static method

Pop an item off the end of the specified queue, decode it and return it.

public static array pop ( $queue )
$queue string

The name of the queue to fetch an item from.

return array

Decoded item from the queue.

push() public static method

Push a job to the end of a specific queue. If the queue does not exist, then create it as well.

public static void push ( $queue, $item )
$queue string

The name of the queue to add the job to.

$item array

Job description as an array to be JSON encoded.

queues() public static method

Get an array of all known queues.

public static array queues ( )
return array

Array of queues.

redis() public static method

Return an instance of the Resque_Redis class instantiated for Resque.

public static Resque_Redis redis ( )
return Resque_Redis

Instance of Resque_Redis.

reserve() public static method

Reserve and return the next available job in the specified queue.

public static Resque_Job reserve ( $queue )
$queue string

Queue to fetch next available job from.

return Resque_Job

Instance of Resque_Job to be processed, false if none or error.

setBackend() public static method

Given a host/port combination separated by a colon, set it as the redis server that Resque will talk to.

public static void setBackend ( $server, $database 0 )
$server mixed

Host/port combination separated by a colon, or

                 a nested array of servers with host/port pairs.
$database int
size() public static method

Return the size (number of pending jobs) of the specified queue.

public static int size ( $queue )

Name of the queue to be checked for pending jobs

return int

The size of the queue.