Class MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager


This class handles the authentication of the remote user.

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
__construct() Constructs a new authentication manager instance. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
add() Adds a new authenticator by name. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
clearCache() Clears the authentication cache. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
get() Return a authenticator instance by name or null if it doesn't exist. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
getClientAuthData() Returns client access data such as passed in session id:s or oAuth accessTokens. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
getUser() Returns the current user. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
has() Returns true/false if the specified authenticator by name exists or not. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
hasStandalone() Returns true/false if one of the authenticators is standalone. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
isAuthenticated() Returns true/false if the user if authenticated or not. It will call the authenticate method on all authenticator instances and depending on the auth order it will OR or AND them. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
login() This method will call the login method on all authenticators to provide a way for a user to login and authenticate them selfs. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
logout() Logs out the current user. This will call the logout method to all authenticators. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
remove() Removes the authenticator by name. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
setAuthenticationOrder() MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager
setClientAuthData() Sets access information passed form client. This might be accessTokens for oAuth taken from localStorage or other client specific access info like session id:s. MOXMAN_Auth_AuthManager

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructs a new authentication manager instance.

public void __construct ( $authenticatorOrder "" )
$authenticatorOrder mixed

Separated list of authenticators that will be executed.

add() public method

Adds a new authenticator by name.

public void add ( $name, MOXMAN_Auth_IAuthenticator $authenticator )
$name string

Authenticator name for example SessionAuthenticator.

$authenticator MOXMAN_Auth_IAuthenticator

Authenticator instance to add.

clearCache() public method

Clears the authentication cache.

public void clearCache ( )
get() public method

Return a authenticator instance by name or null if it doesn't exist.

public MOXMAN_Auth_IAuthenticator get ( $name )
$name string

Authenticator by name to retrive.

return MOXMAN_Auth_IAuthenticator

Authenticator instance or null.

getClientAuthData() public method

Returns client access data such as passed in session id:s or oAuth accessTokens.

public stdClass getClientAuthData ( )
return stdClass

Access data instance.

getUser() public method

Returns the current user.

public MOXMAN_Auth_User getUser ( )
return MOXMAN_Auth_User

Current user instance.

has() public method

Returns true/false if the specified authenticator by name exists or not.

public Boolean has ( $name )
$name string

Name of the authenticator to look for.

return Boolean

True/false state of the authenticator exists or not.

hasStandalone() public method

Returns true/false if one of the authenticators is standalone.

public Boolean hasStandalone ( )
return Boolean

True/false if any authenticator has standalone support.

isAuthenticated() public method

Returns true/false if the user if authenticated or not. It will call the authenticate method on all authenticator instances and depending on the auth order it will OR or AND them.

public \ture/false isAuthenticated ( )
return \ture/false

If the user is logged in or not.

login() public method

This method will call the login method on all authenticators to provide a way for a user to login and authenticate them selfs.

public Boolean login ( $username, $password, $persistent false )
$username string

User name to login.

$password string

Password to use in login.

$persistent boolean

Persistent user auth state.

return Boolean

True/false if the user was logged in or not.

logout() public method

Logs out the current user. This will call the logout method to all authenticators.

public void logout ( )
remove() public method

Removes the authenticator by name.

public void remove ( $name )
$name string

Name of the authenticator to remove.

setAuthenticationOrder() public method

public void setAuthenticationOrder ( $order )
setClientAuthData() public method

Sets access information passed form client. This might be accessTokens for oAuth taken from localStorage or other client specific access info like session id:s.

public void setClientAuthData ( $info )
$info stdClass

Object with access data.